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  • Joined Dec 28, 2015
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Jan 2, 2018

The premise is wonderful in this anime (maybe not the most original, having viewed other harem animes with similar premises-- like Trinity Seven and Campione! -- but it made me think the most with it's implimentation).

The premise is that the Sekirei are beings sent, possibly from God, to humankind to teach humans what real love is, with the added bonus of powers (to protect their loved ones?). This idea has been corrupted as the system was flawed from the start in the form of how their bonding to their soulmates is all in relation to their DNA. Any Sekirei can bond with a human if the human has the right DNA and there is no limit to how many times the human DNA can work on a Sekirei. As a result, this anime brings up the issue of consent as some people, primarily males, decide to go about collecting all the Sekirei they can for greater power and lustful reasons.

Of course, a horrible scientist decided to fully corrupt this idea and turn the Sekirei's and their mates against one another with a game where only one Sekirei and their master may prevail to, possibly, win a chance at becoming a godlike being, ascending to heaven. 

For this anime, it is mainly this premise that gripped me, the humor, and some of the characters (not necessarily the male lead nor his primary Sekirei love interest). For me, the humor and interesting characterization of some of the other women in the lead male's harem and the villian Sekirei, in particular, made this an interesting anime to watch.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
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