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  • Southern California
  • Joined Aug 15, 2011
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Feb 9, 2016



Before last week I had almost no knowledge of what Psycho-Pass was or entailed. It was after watching the trailer for the English dubbed version of the movie that I was informed of how good of a series (at least the first season) was so here I am about to lay it out for you.

Story: 7/10

The overarching plot of the anime is quite good and takes some unforeseen twists and turns (in my opinion). It's some of the in-between stuff that prevents me from giving this category more points. There is an episode or two towards the middle of the series (after a HUGE shift of momentum) that seemed pretty unnecessary for moving the plot along (unless they play a large role in season 2 which I have not watched yet). It seemed everything before episode 12 or so had a very important purpose for moving the story along. After said episode though it takes the show a little while to get back on the power for the finale. Also the show actually has bad guys that you kind of feel for. What I mean is that their goals/desires while warped and crude at moments have merit and positives that support their use. The main villain does a great job of offering a counter argument to the status quo even though he takes many lives in the process.

Animation: 8/10

Production I.G have done a pretty good job here with Psycho-Pass in regards to the animation quality throughout the season's entirety. I watched the show via a blu-ray copy so anything that was present during the running of the show (Fall 2012) was obviously fixed in the blu-ray release. Fights are very detailed, stills look great, and the sense of movement during dialog seems pretty on-cue. Also Akane is super cute even when she get's hardcore.

Sound: 8/10

I quite liked the overall acoustic performance from the show. The soundtrack seemed spot on and the voice actors hit their marks pretty dang well. I think that the ambient sounds used were also very good. In reality maybe I should rate this higher but there are other shows that do an even better job (Aria, No Game No Life, ext.) but do not let this downgrade your experiences with the show.

Characters: 9/10

I quite like the cast of this show. We are purposely left out of the loop on some of the key backstory information for some of the cast (mainly the enforcers) in order to judge them more on their actions and not their past. The ones that do receive lots of character development (mainly Akane and Shinya) are very interesting to learn about. Shinya's drive is especially cool to see play out. You really sense his inner conflict and why what he does even though it goes against the “sense of law” that governs the world the show takes place in is important. How this also effects Akane's view of the world and “justice” is quite the treat to see. The remaining cast do an excellent job of not only moving the story along but also interjecting their own charm into the character interactions. Also like I stated in the story section, the main villain and his Korean sidekick are kind of relatable and you might side with them more than the main cast.

Overall: 8/10

Overall I think the show might deserve more than an 8/10 (see my enjoyment rating bellow) but on a technical level I think it is pretty close. The show is undoubtedly great and if you even remotely like cyber-punk and/or detective type shows then please add this to your watch list. It looks great, sounds great, has super interesting characters, and has a great plot. It might lose some momentum towards the middle but it is only a small roadblock.

Enjoyment: 9.25/10

Thanks for reading my review! If you liked my writing style, would like to see some other reviews, or just want to talk, please stop by my page!

Awesome Drummer

7/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
8/10 overall
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