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  • Germany
  • Joined Apr 12, 2020
  • 28 / M


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CharmanKH3 Jun 16, 2022

really sorry but you are wrong about orihime, kubo didnt turned her into a fanservice character, and she has a character why did you ignored it?

s0to May 30, 2022

Hm, stimmt sicher, dass sich viele Ideen wiederholen, aber wie du gesagt hast war das früher genauso. Weiß allerdings nicht, ob ich die Thematiken als realistischer bezeichnen würde, sie haben nur eher meinen Geschmack getroffen. Ich will auch nicht sagen, dass mich die Thematiken von den neueren Sachen generell nicht interessieren, aber mir springt weniger ins Auge. Tatsächlich finde ich im Moment vieles was aus China kommt interessanter, weil es mehr um historische Themen geht z.B. Aber das ist einfach Geschmackssache, wie Animation als solche. Persönlich finde die modernen Titel eher überladen. Qualitativ ist vieles gut gemacht, aber genauso wie bei vielen Filmen heute wird sich viel auf coole Effekte verlassen. Aber wie gesagt, das ist nur Geschackssache, ich mag generell Sachen lieber die ein bisschen retro sind und damit bin ich denke ich sowieso eher in der Minderheit.  

Haha, um ehrlich zu sein glaube ich kaum, dass ich traumatisiert sein werde, wenn ich die alten Serien wieder schaue. Ich kann mich auch noch an vieles erinnern und ich hab tatsächlich immer noch echt Spaß sie zu schauen (auch wenn mein Rating für einige sicherlich nicht super hoch ausfallen wird). Aber tut mir leid, wenn dein Nostalgiatrip nicht gut war xD

Ich muss vielleicht erwähnen, dass ich Japanisch nicht nur lerne um Anime zu schauen (fände ich auch komisch, wenn das jemand macht). Aber es war schon ein Motivator nicht immer Untertitel lesen zu müssen. Aber Japanisch ist nicht die einfachste Sprache, ich denke das muss man sich auch wirklich antun wollen^^

Tyylenol May 26, 2022

I don't think we're really far off. We'be both came to agreenments on some aspects of the anime. Oh yeah I also disliked the amount of boob shots when Gojo measuring and making the cosplay for the younger sister. My immaturity is gonna show a bit here but I laughed when the chest thing broke and it was just an awkward guy cosplay with a female chest. The hotel scene was a bit extra, but to my enjoyment had tid-bits of comedy (I think the most notable was when Gojo was turning on the TV and there was porn. He immediately turned it off, but turned it back on turning down the volime as fast as he could.) The desk scene is forced and is one of the most unrealistic aspect to the anime. I can't defend that, but the other interactions like both being after school to help clean up made sense and you could honestly just replace that with the first scene of how they meet and there'd be no change. The masturbating thing and interactions where it implies that he does it is unnecessary and destroys the image of the character. But once again just a poor attempt at trying to be funny and relatable. 
Our own reviews have our own appeal (this is not the right word to describe it but it's what I came up with) to them. I genuinely liked the anime and writing a review right after enjoying watching most of it will give my review recency bias. I probably couldn't see the flaws in the anime as clearly cause (like reading your review made me clrealy see the flaws of the anime which I appreciate) I probably labled off the bad parts to it as "comedy". I genuinely laugh easily so this was right up my alley. My reviews just talks about everything I like and I just use the rating as a substitute of why there are flaws. Like I agree with majority of your points and can see where you're coming from. I could probably have typed them in my review as well. Just worded differently. 
In your reviews you give credit where you think credit is deserved and you criticize what you think should be critisized. It's a fair and honest review that you give and that's what people want. 

No need to apologize your responses are completely justifiable. There's really no need to actually be so mature when talking about anime. I was just trying to be an ass trying to act all mature and all. So apologies for that

Take care mate, have a great rest of your day/night. I hope you like Spy X Family as much as I do. Cause if you don't we'll be at this again LOLL (kidding, maybe not who knows)

Tyylenol May 26, 2022

Provocation, yes there obviously was, nonesense? Your arrogance is showing once again. My expectation wasn't to not get attack from my response. It was a collective conclusion based from your other reciews and bio. You take this seriously so I'd assume you'd have a mature character. 
The Fan Service is disgustingly excessive in one episode and one episode only which is the seccond episode where they take her measurements. Every where else it's sprinkled through out other episodes with some not having any. You can take out that episode and just say they got her measurments off screen. You're criticizing that aspect and eluding that it has "taken over HALF the series" chill bro it has not. It's like you watched up to the first two episodes and made majority of your conclusion towards it.

Demon Slayer was mid it's only redeeming quality is the art. The characters are bland and the attempts at comedy is bad. But it was still enjoyable to watch. My Hero I like the creativity of some of the powers and the fights are nice to watch, some character stand out but most are annoying. Bringing this up so you don't think that I'm just some person who'll follow the mainstream

I'll agree with you there obviously could'be been better excecution on this that could've made it better to a wider audience. You can literally say that for the majority of anime out there if not all so it's not really a strong point to make. Also the dialogue between the two main characters are lacking "depth" which I can see that you're not wrong about it I completely agree with you on that. But I don't think you can really fault the characters for that. They really haven't faced challeneges (and to be honest this kind of plot what challenges can there really be to make development? I can name few, but throwing out random bad characters to halt progress is a horrible cliche in my opinion) and neither main characters have opened up too much about each other yet. We know that there are some obstacles Gojo faces as he felt insecure about himself due to his interests being "femine". He's plauged by his past due to being called out for being "weird". I'm only saying this cause there is a chance for the dialogue between characters to be developed. There is potential and we'll just have to see how it plays out in season 2 (I'm up to date on the manga so yeah we'll see more development).  The interactions between the two are more guided towards a comedic approach. These interactions and the time they spend together are still genuine and you can feel the chemistry building between the two. That's the basic of romance and that's all you need. Despite being an anime where anything and unrealistic expactations can be made the romance is simple and calming. These are genuine events and interacctions where people in real life can feel towards. 

Gojo is not a pervert like the many male leads in other isekai and ecchi animes that you've watched. Bro did not get sexually aroused at every chance he got I don't have a clue what you're talking about. Even then Marin obviously knows this so she pokes fun at him and acts as such. 

Marin, sure I can agree with you to a certain degree.

The whole point of the supporting cast was to show obstacles cosplayers have and how they overcome them. They're supposed to be relateable. You don't even have to be a fan of cosplaying to understand their conflicts and frustrations. That's the joy of it. They're not all one dimesional characters with shallow and selfish intentions that were just thrown in to just disrupt the progression of the MCs. Yeah I hate the bath scene that was stupid as hell and unnecessary. But that's not a reason to dislike a character because a scene was thrown in to be comedic which was obviously a poor attempt. 

Personally I'm just assuming you didn't like any of the attempts at comedy in this romcom. So, I can see the different viewpoints and why we're complete opposites. I also think you just hate slice of life as a genre cause you're not a fan of the characters and call them bland.

Altogether, I agree with you on some points, but still every point you've made you really haven't gone in depth with them. Just listed your problems and that's that. Like c'mon you can muster up more 

Tyylenol May 26, 2022

"I can already see that you prefer to watch anime without demands and don't look for quality. I don't judge you for that.

But don't try to justify some garbage just because you can't control your personal fan feelings."

Dude you're a joke. "Don't look for quality" My personal preference will differ from yours there's no doubt of that. Saying that really seems like you can't take criticism and just throws petty insults, how mature of you. "Justify some garbage", I can tell you're just very irritated. Putting in your own bias and making laughable petty insults out of them is funny coming from a dude who takes anime reviewing serious. I thought I'd get ultimately demolished and deconstructed by you, but you're just some immature fool who's entitled by his own taste in anime. "Control my personal feelings", you talk big dude I don't find you amusing anymore. You should take your own advice. I thought you'd be open minded, but you seem like you'd be a person who'll be arrogant and not listen.