RRRNIER's avatar


  • Australia Perth/Japan Wakayama
  • Joined Dec 24, 2016
  • 23

"Please excuse my language" -Cunts that need to die, as in they need to fucking die-

Um, Fuck getting reported but I need to make this world a better place by addressing the cunts that need to fucking die.

ReLuNa top

My favourite anime (shinitaku naru) UPDATED

Think about life

Warning After you watch this u will feel useless (wtf am I doing with my life) shinitai nara shine o(^∀^*)o

Yome / waifu for weebs

My propa list of waifus / Maji yome lisuto tsukuri mashita - MY CRITICAL HIT BOX OR SUPER EFFECTIVE TYPE IS LONG HAIR (PREFER BLACK)