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Dine With a Vampire

Jul 20, 2020

I know I said I'd wait until I've read 20 chapters to review it but let's cross that out. I've read 13 chapters and what I've learned is that this is not going how I would like it too. It's slow, and most chapters are just sex, nothing has happed. I'm not going to drop it because of the spice in the first chapters but something needs to happen. I might be the only one thinking this way but oh well.

Overall3/5 stars

5/10 story
7/10 art
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
0 this review is Funny Helpful

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Ponyo18 Feb 1, 2021

i will try it again thanks :)

AkQuirasavge Jan 31, 2021

keep reading it I swear it gets really good and a lot of things change you gonna get backstories  plot etc you gonna to learn a lot they really hit you with it and it's like opp and makes you so intrigued