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Some Spoilers Ensue:

Hmmm...I'm not too sure about this one. I didn't hate it, but I wanted more for sure. It could have been brilliant had Shinkai Makoto given the characters some depth. There was hardly any character development and sadly, that made it hard for me to care what happened to anyone. it seems like the three stories were derived from love poems. It was an  interesting and subtle take on heartbreak which initially made me want to watch this. Out of the three parts, I found the first one to be the best. Though, again, had I had some background, I would have been much more invested in the characters. The second part had almost nothing to do with the storyline other than to show you another girl was in love with our protagonist...though i loved the tie in to space and the bits of scifi trickling through. The third part was just frustrating. She was just marrying someone else? Why? What happened over the course of those emails? I just wanted so much more background. Grrrrr.

Technically I found it to be lovely, though some parts were sub par. The scenery and animation were insanely beautiful which made it a delight to see in HD, however the characters were stock looking and void of personality other than Sumida...but still, even she wasn't great. The voice acting was okay, but most of the story was read to you not so much acted out. I did however love the soundtrack. Gorgeous melancholic music.

Overall, I watched this so I could have a nice cry, but sadly, it didn't come. Lack of character development and rushed delivery resulted in no feeling. Hopefully this can be remade and fledged out into an anime series because the story isn't terrible. I have yet to read the manga so hopefully its better, Till then, I'd pass on this one.


Watched subbed.

5/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
3/10 characters
5/10 overall
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PoeticHorrorShow5287 Jun 17, 2014

Thank you! :-) I know, it's upsetting when it doesn't live up to its potential!

Th3Laugh1ngMan Jun 17, 2014

Great review! I honestly thought this anime was overrated.