Phalantax's avatar


  • France, Paris
  • Joined Jul 30, 2016
  • 27 / M

Life on anime

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AngePer Mar 19, 2020

Can someone help for making a watch list because I can't watch anything I would like to watch SO PLEASE HELP ME😭

FullmetalDragon Aug 7, 2016

It's a shame they leave out some of the emotional parts in the anime, especially given they probably have loads of extra time to do it, but it's nice for there to be some subtle differences in each. Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to make you watch the anime! I assumed you had already! 

I am definitely planning on reading the manga at some point, especially if it's even better than the anime. I love having lots of feels in a series - if you're emotionally involved enough to cry over something then it was a good series. At least, that's how I feel. 

FullmetalDragon Aug 6, 2016

Sounds interesting! Maybe I'll give it a go at some point! 

I'll be interested to see how close the anime sticks to the manga, although I haven't actually read it myself. I heard it was quite a short manga, so I'm surprised they adapted it into a full length anime. Is it following it closely so far? 

Whaa?? You don't like ReZero??  Well, it's the first time I've heard anyone preferred it before Subaru went insane. For a psychological thriller, I thought it probably started a bit too normally. Unless you like both types of anime, you'd get put off. As for me, I love this sort of thing a lot. 

FullmetalDragon Aug 5, 2016

Never heard of Working, what's it about? 

I'm just finishing up Romeo x Juliet at the moment. There were parts I struggled through, and parts I enjoyed, but I'm glad to be near the end now. I'm also watching ReZero, Orange and a couple of others from this season, so that's been good! 

FullmetalDragon Aug 4, 2016

You're welcome ^^ Everyone here is super friendly, and it's such a nice atmosphere! 

So are you watching any good anime at the moment?