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  • Joined Mar 13, 2014
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cronus7 May 31, 2014

Nah, I dont like school.

It's just that I'm kinda bored during the day now...


It's not really a workout, It's just work.

stupid work.

And I do enjoy asia.

Steve Howe is a good guitarist, but he belongs in Yes alongside Chris Squire.

That's part of why I feel that Silent Nation was their best album.

I don't have a huge amount of friends.

just a group of 5-6 people I can trust. is good enough for me.

cronus7 May 30, 2014

I'm not doing anything.

Except for laying around, playing guitar, and doing stuff online...


I do have to chop down some dead trees tomorrow though...

One of my best friends is moving to australia.

And one of the three great friends who I'm closest to is going on a 2 week vacation to florida...

Knowing him, he just wants to go there for the weed, but who knows.

I guess I just kinda feel down now that the school year is over, and there is nothing to do during the day.



They're awesome. Best served with Guthrie Govan.

cronus7 May 29, 2014

Sometimes I'm "there" sometimes I'm not.

Sometimes I'm... completely crazy and "energetic, but kinda stupid.

other times I can be rather sharp and knowledgable... but extremely lazy.


cronus7 May 26, 2014

Girraffe ears ARE pretty cool.

So.... no freckles?


Ir do you mean that you HAVE girraffe ears...

This maybe?


Did you know that girrafes can clean their ears with their tongue, because their tongue is a whopping 21 inches?

I didn't.

cronus7 May 20, 2014

Yeah... I prob spoiled that then.


Giraffe? Well, ya dont hear that everyday. I'ma gonna guess you're a tall 'un.

Or you have freckles?