Omurqi's avatar


  • Netherlands
  • Joined Feb 6, 2009
  • 33 / M

I’m really unsure what to think of this one. It certainly left some kind of impression on me, a combination of laughter, bore and uneasiness.

As anyone would get from reading the site synopsis, the premise is entirely ridiculous. The story starts out pretty funny, with nearly orgasmic and heated descriptions about filling the shelves of the fridge. Soon however, the story takes a turn for the worse when other people start entering the pages. Before long, the initially funny tale turns into a combination of angst and a rather ridiculous horror-fest, one drawn so painfully undetailed that it took me several reads to figure out what exactly happened.

Still, for something that is only 12 pages short, The Female Fridge No.1 was a reasonably entertaining read.

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
6/10 overall
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