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  • Joined Jun 13, 2018
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Anime I Can Watch With My Daughter

No helpless damsels, thirsty cardboard cutouts, objectification, or sexual themes... leaves very few titles.

Great Anime Music Composers

A limited list of great composers. These are composers of some of the most iconic anime themes and soundtracks.

Great Father Figures and Dads

Ignoring father figures who aren't actual fathers would make this list woefully incomplete. You would miss a lot of great dads. Then again, if I tried to include all the good or cool father figures the list would absolutely...

Sports Anime I Can Recommend

There are a ton of sports and club anime on the market. The plots are often so cookie cutter we can predict the first season plots by the end of the first episode. Strangely, they keep getting made. Why? I think it's because...