NoSignal666's avatar


  • Joined Mar 19, 2020
  • 29 / M

These characters are demons: non-human entities generally believed to be dark or evil in nature.

Monsters are fantastical creatures that appear in a wide variety of genres. They're classifed most easily by what they aren't; Vampires, Youkai and a variety of other characters are separate categories. Monsters can be cute and cuddly sidekicks, scary beasts or anything in between, as long as they are fantastical, not found in nature, and don't fit another character classification.

Nuns are spiritual sisters who have devoted themselves to their religious cause. They typically live in convents and have taken a vow of celibacy.

These characters are Pokemon, also known as Pocket Monsters, due to the fact that their human trainers can store them in pocket-sized containers called Poké Balls. Pokemon have unique skills and abilities based on their species, and over time some can evolve into more powerful forms.

These characters perform sexual favors for money, professionally. They might walk the streets, work at a brothel, or frequent a different establishment. Or, they might be forced into prostitution against their will.

A succubus is a Demon or spirit in female form that engages in sexual intercourse to feed off the energy of their partner. In traditional folklore, succubi would visit men in their sleep, but modern renditions of these creatures can have them pursuing people of either sex, whether they are asleep or awake.