NixKaen's avatar


  • Oregon
  • Joined Feb 9, 2015
  • 27 / F

Bifauxnen characters are similar to a female Prince Charming – they radiate a sense of elegance, beauty, and chivalry. Their cool and well-mannered demeanor, as well as their androgynous looks, cause them to be fawned over by those they come across.

These characters can't help themselves. They constantly yell or repeat the same name over. And over. And over. I'm looking at you, Miaka and Tamahome!

These siblings want nothing more than to ensure the well-being and happiness of their beloved brother, often to an unhealthy or even romantic degree. They're known to be over-protective and jealous of their brother's suitors.

Whether it's a goatee, a beard, or a mustache, these characters have facial hair. For hairy works of art, check out those with Epic Eyebrows, Breathtaking Beards, and Magnificent Mustaches.

Calling these characters drunkards doesn't quite cover it. Whether it's sake, beer or a stiff cocktail, Heavy Drinkers can put more away than any three vikings combined, and can usually be found with a beverage in hand.