MoonCruiser's avatar


  • Tokyo Jujutsu High School
  • Joined May 20, 2020
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Chariot Jul 12, 2020

Yeah, hopefully it'll be soon xD
I plan on checking the say after my birthday this week ^-^

I need to get that game finally x'D

Vinland Saga has been on my list for a bit, lol. Just haven't gotten to it yet. I think my friend wanted to watch it with me, which is probably why I haven't seen it yet O_o

Chariot Jul 11, 2020

Hi! It's going pretty well, just having some trouble finding things I'm looking for due to the pandemic ^^;

How about you? What's up? ^-^

54bubbles Jul 4, 2020

Vinland Saga was fun.  ^.^  Thorkell was fun.

54bubbles Jul 4, 2020

Hi!  Waiting for the new season to start.  How's it going for you?

Venuette Jul 3, 2020


I really love Vinland Saga! I was so sad when the anime finished airing and I had to read the manga after I watched the last episode. I feel like anime of Vinland Saga didn't get as much attention as it deserved, but manga is very popular. Who is your favourite character from Vinland Saga? My favourite is Thorfinn, but I also love Canute and Askeladd. I also really like Thorkell and Ylva.

Thank you very much for follow! ^^