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  • South Asia
  • Joined Mar 14, 2019
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After a lot of mulling over whether I should watch FMA Brotherhood or not, I tepidly began watching this show. However, from the moment Scar was introduced in the story, I was hooked. I expected this show to be somewhat overrated and not really being that good. However, I'm glad I was quite wrong. Before reading further, do note that there are some minor but relevant spoilers mentioned in passing. Proceed with that in mind.

So about the anime itself. There is a plethora of things that Brotherhood does in the best way possible. The first few episodes of the show are great but still weak compared to the entirety of the show. This is likely due to Most of the intro from the manga already being covered in the first series. Do keep in mind that the beginning of Brotherhood is still quite strong and brilliant. The series revolves around alchemist brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric on a journey to get their parts of their bodies back after losing them in a failed human transmutation meant to bring back their late mother.

The story's attempt at exploring human nature far and wide while still remaining a proper shounen anime and succeeding is worthy of praise. The bond between Edward and Alphonse, their readiness to give anything for the sake of the other, the weaker moments for Al where he starts doubting his own humanity and the resulting tension between the two brothers when Ed finally notices something being wrong with Al - were executed in such a beautiful style that you can't help but feel jealous about not having a sibling like that (unless you already have an epic sibling, cheers to you!) Edward's hot headed personality and Alphonse's kind and caring demeanor are both heartwarming. Their resolve to right their wrongs, to stick to their principles, and to leave no one behind is moving. They still maintain their adolescence despite all that.
Even though Ed and Al are the main protagonists and focus of the show, every component of this saga that doesn't involve them is treated with the same dedication. The topics of philosophy, politics, racism, casteism/socio-economic divide, trust, loyalty, espionage, nationalism, the inherent ills or sins of humanity and also love are all handled so well it is almost unbelievable that a single person could come up with and execute these arcs in such a satisfying way. As the story progresses, the distinction between the "good" and "bad" sides becomes more and more ambiguous, and it does so for the better. The plot never shies away from being tragic and violent. This is quite obvious from the arcs of the Ishvalan genocide and the Sewing-Life Alchemist. Besides these, within the regular pace of the show, there are a lot of heavy moments that don't let you forget the grim unfairness and harshness of fate all of the characters have to deal with.
That said, there is a lot of humour in this show. it's so good that the contrast between the comedic parts the serious parts is almost jarring. Almost- because despite being so funny, the humour does not reign over or ruin the immersion in the story.

Brotherhood might have the best cast of minor and supporting characters I may have seen in any show yet. Hughes, Alex Armstrong, Ray Mustang, Hawkeye, Mei Chang, Izumi, Fu, Lan Fan, Ling Yao, Buccaneer, Winry and Pinako - just to name a few, all had fulfilling and important roles in the story. Then come the villains who were just as good if not better than the side protagonists.
Scar's progression from a "villain" to a supporting character through his tragic back-story was fluid. The seven sins were all equally interesting. It's quite a feat to take all this seven sins of humanity, personify them, and still make them so interesting despite being one-dimensional in their basic forms. Gluttony, the useful idiot who is always hungry. Lust, who never loses an opportunity to indulge herself with pleasure. Envy, who wants to be better than anyone else. Greed, who wants everything. Wrath, who is terribly unforgiving. Pride, who has an utmost sense of honour. And Sloth, who will do anything for getting to sleep. All these seven "Homunculi" who are the children of, and absolutely loyal of "Father". All eight of these main antagonists were exceptionally interesting. 
The death of each homunculus was actually somewhat melancholy. You barely feel joyous after seeing them meet their ends in such a humbling manner, almost making each of them human - the subject of their core hatred. The death of Envy and Wrath were the most fascinating to me personally. The way gluttony was eaten by Pride was actually sad. It almost makes you sorry for him. Greed had a very good character development, however the bond he went on to build with Ling was somewhat predictable. Hohenheim was a very good character and I loved him a lot. 
There is not much to say about characters without spoiling the story even more. And trying to cover all the good things about them would warrant writing an entire books anyway.

The animation and sound in Brotherhood is absolutely terrific. Each and every character movement feels solid. The character "acting" and voice acting are on the spot. It is quite evident that all the hot shots from the anime industry gave their best while working on this show. Throughout all the episodes, the attention to detail was impeccable. Fight scenes were stuff of dreams and the fight choreography, super coherent. The only places where the animation takes a breather is during the comic scenes where the anime follows the manga panel to panel. That is not to say it is a bad thing at all.

Now to end my review, I didn't quite like the openings and endings all that much, except the first ending. The ending could have been shorter. Basically the boss fight with all the 5 sacrifices (namely, Hohenheim, Roy Mustang, Izumi, Ed and Al) and later with the Briggs forces felt really drawn out. All in all though, Fullmeral Alchemist: Brotherhood is jam-packed with top tier drama, suspense and action. You give the show 21 hours of your life, and it gives you back the best 21 hours anime has to offer. Do yourself a favour and watch this show even if you're not a shounen fan.

9/10 story
10/10 animation
9/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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