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  • Joined Apr 26, 2015
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Lexter Apr 12, 11pm
commented on Thubanshee's review of Accomplishments of the Duke’s Daughter
Capitalism has a lot to be criticized for, but don't get blinded with such a shallow view. Historically it did come after feudalism and it did bring more wealth and freedom. However she did not bring capitalism per say, she just helped it emerge sooner by promoting trade, and better state efficiency to coordinate markets and education. What is funny to me is that she did all that, but never really thought about democracy or the rule of law. Well her memories got messed up together so who knows...
Accomplishments of the Duke’s Daughter

I don't know if it's a good manga, because I was so distracted by it being chock-full of glorification of capitalism. A girl comes from modern Japan into a medieval-like world and her first thought is to "make it more civilised." Sounds like a coloniser's mindset to me...

Read Thubanshee's full review
Lexter May 2022
commented on Athenayo's profile
For sure, it is from anime D-frag. It is based on a manga with the same name that is still ongoing. https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/d-frag
Lexter May 2022
commented on ItzMeDB's profile

If you asked me "What is your favorite anime," I could only definitively say that One Punch Man sits comfortably on the throne of #1.  My other favorites I don't even know which I...