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D4RKS3NS3I Jan 25, 2021

Yea, if you reply to my comment, it will bring you to my page where you reply. It's a weird system hahha. But like, if you reply on your own profile, I won't receive a noti.

Legit the best compliment anyone could have told me. This means a lot mate haha. You seem like a pretty chiill dude yourself

SAME. Imagine understanding anything at all that happens in your life lmaoooo cringe

KyokoKinnie Jan 25, 2021

I tried to reply to your comment but it takes me to your profile.

D4RKS3NS3I Jan 25, 2021

Did you... did you just comment on my profile and then delete it? XD

D4RKS3NS3I Jan 23, 2021

Hihi all good man. I believe in the fact that websites like A-P are built around the community, y'know? Better be together than be just random profiles, if you know what I mean.

And hey, remember, you can always ask me for some random bs (except life advice. I suck at that idk), and thank YOU for replying! Most of the folks I welcome don't :///// 

btw sorry for the late reply, had to take some time off A-P for some mental recovery xdxd

D4RKS3NS3I Jan 6, 2021

Yo, welcome to Anime-Planet bud! Hope you can make many friends here! (Even tho it looks like you already have a friend)

Message me if you need anything!