KomuroTaka's avatar


  • Joined Aug 24, 2021
  • 17

The Familiar of Zero

Aug 29, 2021

Y'know, I could've liked this series in general if there wasn't double standards of women being treated more fairly than men. A lot of women would get the same amount of slapsticks that men have. And for Saito, I wish he could've been... Non-generic Athetic (and smart) Righteous (non-perverted) Tsundere (Sweet Type/Type B) Willing to hit not only men, but women. Guys, don't get the wrong idea. As much as I don't like women getting hurt, I don't want any favoritism between two genders/sexes. I just don't like double standards of genders...

See full review
1/10 story
5/10 animation
7/10 sound
1/10 characters
3.5/10 overall

Peter Grill and the Philosopher's Time

Aug 29, 2021

Even though Peter Grill is a doormat despite being a strong hero, the only compensations he gets are being physical with those sluts sometimes, and baring a huge and plump butt. AS MUCH AS I WANT TO EAT THE BUTT OUT, HE HAS A FIANCÉE 

See full review
5/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
6/10 characters
6.3/10 overall