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  • On my throne in Catopia
  • Joined Jan 6, 2010
  • 34 / M

Okay so I'm not a Naruto fanboy nor am I a Naruto hater so it was with that mindset that I approached this Naruto film in the same way that I approach all things Naruto with an open mind set.  And I have to say that this was one of the more disappointing Naruto films I have ever seen.

The story a group of ninja from Sky country come and attack Konoha.  During which Naruto meets a Doctor and pupil Amaru.  From there a small band of four ninja follow their attackers to where there ships are located so that they can destory their base.  At this same time for Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata go with the doctor and Amaru to Amaru's village.  From there things follow a pretty predictable set of events though I will say that I found the story to be rather weak as a whole.  I mean I know that it's not part of the manga and they created the story from pretty much nothing, but still it seemed that the four man group didn't really have anything to do with the core plot.  Once the base was destoryed it didn't really even seem like they mattered at all and all things considered the base they set out to destory didn't if seem all that important when everything else is taken into consideration.  Furthermore it didn't seem like Sasuke actually had to be in the story.  I mean sure he did play a part in bringing down the main bad guy, but still I'm sure that if they wanted to they could have easily left Sasuke out and only had to end up changing a few small things within the story.  Then the ending personally it seemed that they were trying to make it more dramatic than it needed to be.  Personally speaking I thought the story had a lot of problems with it and didn't really enjoy it.

As for the animation you get what you'd expect from a Naruto film.  Slightly better quality than that of the tv series but still pretty average when compared to other films.  So enjoy it for what it is but I wouldn't expect anything visually stunning.

The sound again you get what you'd expect from a Naruto film.  The voice actors were all the same from the tv series and they do as good of a job as they do in the tv series.  As for the soundtrack it blended well with the scenes.  Which is to say that it was enough to add something to the scenes but rarely ever stood out and wasn't very impressionable.

The characters were mostly all the same from the tv series.  So you know the ones you like and the ones you hate and the only new ones are the sky ninjas, the doctor, and Amaru.  I would go into more detail here to go into to much would end up spoiling the story.

Overall I was quite disappointed with this film.  Though probably the only real reason I was disappointed with the film was because of the story.  If it had been done a bit better I probably would have enjoyed it more.  In terms of Naruto films it would probably be the one that I least liked.

4/10 story
7/10 animation
6/10 sound
5/10 characters
5.5/10 overall
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