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Long story short, Wizard Barristers is about a young barrister named Sudo Cecil who is not only the youngest barrister in history but also a girl written about in the mythical book; Grimoire 365. In this world, magic use is apart of everyday society but those who use it (wizards) have strict restrictions on how they can use it. A secret underground group of wizards named the Macal seek to use Cecil's legendary power to destroy the human race.

In a bit more detail, Wizard Barristers carries a theme of magic mixed with courtroom drama and does somewhat decent at one while doing horribly at another. When it comes to anything revolving around magic and the Wizard aspect of this series, we are introduced to the best animation Studio ARMS has to offer and mecha battles that can be pretty awesome to watch. The action scenes are really the only great thing about Wizard Barristers, the actual story revolving magic and Wizards is consistent but gets a little repetitive. ANYTHING involving the law and investigations of a crime on the other hand is complete bullshit.

When it comes to the law and the judicial process, I don't believe anyone working on this series actually took the time to study law and get their story straight. Maybe I could be wrong and the Japanese court and legal system is just really really different from that of the United States. I know, this is a fictional series and the creators can simply rewrite the laws of the world to fit their story but what I've seen here is just plain stupid. The accused is given the right to have his victim represent him in court, a lawyer is kept from speaking with her client, search and seizures without a warrant, horribly incompetent judges among other problems related to the law. Even worse, the main character Cecil is in fact the youngest barrister in history and one would think because of this, Cecil would have high level critical thinking skills on at least she'll be on par with that of Casey Novak (L&O SVU). Instead, Cecil never lives up to what her achievement implies and is just a naive teenager who thinks she's a barrister.

Wizard Barristers does have action and it's magic to fall back on though. Discrimination against Wizards isn't put on full display but the laws against the use of magic and the last episode with the protesting crowd gives us a good enough sense of how much humans are afraid of Wizards. This discrimination ends up producing a circle of hate with a specific set of wizards named the Macal looking to exterminate the humans. As you can see, the magic theme half of this series is much more interesting and better executed than it's judicial half. With Micheal bay style explosions, mecha battles and a good insert song to accompany a fight, Wizard Barristers manages to deliver on magical half but not it's judicial half. 

Why you should watch this:
If you care about action, magic, offbeat sub par comedy and random moments of ecchi, then you might enjoy Wizard Barristers: Benmashi Cecil. Cecil's constantly evolving powers equate to her ending up in all kinds of problems that call upon the use of magic. The scenes of magic battles tend to be short but entertaining.

Why you shouldn't watch this:
If you came here looking for some kind of magical version of [insert favorite legal drama here] then turn away now. Investigating a crime happens more in Danganronpa than in Wizard Barristers and the events of almost every case is purely testimonial. Even when this series makes an attempt at being a courtroom drama, it sucks horribly.

6/10 story
7.5/10 animation
7/10 sound
2/10 characters
5/10 overall

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blackbalsa Apr 28, 2014


agreed - the legal plotline is stunningly weak, if not beyond inappropriate at best, proving to be an enormous hinerance to the overall story, which is already iffy.  episode 12 proved to be a waste a time, which is a clear result of a lack of effort on the part of the writers. tons of loopholes; everything circumstantial and convenient.  why bother? would NOT watch this again, much less recommend it.