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Unbalance x 3

Nov 18, 2017

Unbalance x 3 is purely catered for a set of large community of fans who enjoy reading anything with plenty of fan-services. This manhwa mostly focuses on genres like incest, forbidden love etc. In my opinion its not as good as some people say it is and is slightly overrated. This manhwa is also meant for a more mature audience which includes plenty of provocative scenes and characters that reveal a bit too much skin.

Plot/Story: Pretty much what you can expect from an incest relationship between 2 siblings will be included in Unbalance x3 from top to bottom. The story is not significant and most of what happens is pretty predictable. The story moves at a slow pace and as it progress we see plenty of "interruptions" that intrude on the life of both main protagonists whether its a potential love interest for either of the characters or something/someone opposing their unsual relationship. For the pure lack of originality I rate this only 3/10.

Art: Plain and simple, the art is good. The artist has proper skills and talents but with a very major drawback/flaw. This artist, like many others out there, draws character inflicted with the 'same-face syndrome' meaning the characters look very alike to other manhwa's drawn by the same artist. Eg, Freezing, Unbalance x2 and plenty more. (Check up these manhwa's on google and you'll see what I'm talking about) However, having this manhwa in full-colour sure helps draw the majority of his fanbase. I rate 6/10.

Characters: Very much alike to the plot, the characters are also completely predictable. Not only does this artist's characters look alike to his other works most of them share the same personality. Foolish, innocent, brash but brave and protectective. The characters personality and development moves at a repetitive cycle whereby the protagonist goes back and forth from being properly developed to back when he's underdeveloped. This shifts quite often and really gives readers wondering if the protagonist will ever be developed properly except until the final chapters. I rate 5/10.

Overall: I wouldn't say this is a completely bad read just that its not really worth going that extra mile for it. All in all, everything is quite messed up and the story doesn't flow very well. I rate 5/10.

Personal Opinion: Don't pick it up unless you're completely bored. However if you are one of those typical readers who enjoys plenty of ecchi and fan-services provided by artist I'd say this would be a fine read.

Note: One very important thing to take note of this is that, the artist has a very bad habit of taking up new manhwa's before completing his previous ones. He either leaves them on hiatus or completely cuts it off or on the off chance, update it after a few months of hiatus then stops for a longer time. I'd say he isn't really dedicated to his comic and is only doing this to bring in the big cash. 

3/10 story
6/10 art
5/10 characters
5/10 overall
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