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gasstationgraffiti Oct 24, 2020

Also, I want to point out that I have an ex girlfriend with BPD. Alois perfectly captures how much they can love but how toxic their love can be. He cannot control the way he acts or feels because of his mental illness. It's very frustrating. We were finally given a character that represents something that people struggle with daily, and he is hated because of peoples' lack of understanding. Some people don't even TRY to understand, and rule him off as a 'spoiled brat,' as you have. I do believe that people can change once something is explained thoroughly, so that is why I've responded to you.

I don't want you to hate such an amazing character because of the toxicity that he cannot control. You are allowed to dislike him, but I'd rather you understand what BPD is actually like and not hate him because he's mentally ill. Thank you for your time!

gasstationgraffiti Oct 24, 2020

You commented this on Alois Trancy's page: "spoiled brat ye okay he had a sad past just like every other man chcaracter of an anime big deal"

I just want to debunk this, I hope you don't mind! Alois is not like other anime characters at all, he is literally mentally ill. He acts like a 'spoiled brat' as a way to cope. His 'sad past' consisted of him being raped and beaten as a child, causing him to develop mental illnesses. I personally think Alois has BPD, and I will continue talking with this statement in mind. 

Alois obsessed over Claude because of his BPD, and grew manic and spiraled when he couldn't have him. Please research BPD.

I don't know if you had a good understanding of the Black Butler season 2 lore, but Alois only wanted Ciel because Claude lied to him and told him that Sebastian ate his brother's soul. Ciel is a soul that Sebastian admires and took long to create, but was lost when Claude had taken Ciel from Sebastian out of spite. Sebastian had told Ciel that Alois had his parents killed, even though we knew it was the queen. 

Both demons came up with this to reharvest Ciel's soul and fight over him. Alois realized this, and he spiraled because of it. The one he loves and lives for does not want him, so what point is there in living? That is why he was going to let the wolf kill him. 

Alois is a mentally ill character. So, while all your other anime boys with dark pasts act normal, he will not. He is very much mentally ill.

The only character I can truly relate Alois to is Ash Lynx from Banana Fish. Ash may not have had BPD, but he did have other mental issues from being raped as a child. The difference between these two is that Ash is an adult and now knows how to act and behave, whilst Alois is literally still a child (14) in the 1800s. He does not know that his behavior is wrong, and he does not know how to correct it. He is still premature and unable to recognize it, while Ash is an adult and has already corrected the error in his ways.