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Angelic Layer

Feb 5, 2016

at first i thought the anime was going to be somewhat similar to the 2 thick manga books. I WAS WRONG! the anime was similar at first but when the ending was nothing but complete baloney. In the manga Misaki and Kotaro end up going out. Tomoya and Ohjiro went out. But in the anime Tomoyo and Kotaro end up together. Tomoyo's jelousy was just a tool for plots sake and did not work as well as the creators thought. Also in the end Mizaki was in love with Kotaro but since Tomoya was SOOO jelouse she took Kotaro and left Misaki byherself. I also had a feeling as if Tomoyo's and Kotaro's relationship was just forced and that Kotaro really in the end did not even like Tomoyo. Tomoyo is such a child.

8.5/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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