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Memory of Red

Apr 23, 2019

<h3>Think of this like the Where's Waldo books, the more you focus your eyes the less you'll see and the more agitated you'll become.</h3> <h3>Relaxed eyes will see many things in the constantly moving red lines, some pleasant, some unpleasant. </h3> <h3>Really this anime is perfect for a psychology class, an alternative ink blot test, and something psychiatrists should consider. </h3> <h3>This does deserve the movie type it's been given on this site as the impressions given off feel as if an entity has come forth and spewed all this information at the viewer. Time is irrelevant.</h3> <h3>As the last of the red fades a certain shape does form that put a smile on this reviewers face.</h3> <h3>You'll have to see for yourself whether it's worth the watch or not.</h3> <h3>I'll give a hint though, it's an insect.</h3>

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
6/10 overall
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