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Anime series/movies with no ecchi scenes, sexual contents or fan service (Part 2)

This list includes only action, horror, thriller, sci fi and suspense animes. These animes have mild/ least amount of nudity scenes and sexual contents. Some of these animes do not have any sexual contents at all.


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Morphace Nov 9, 2018

Great list, thank you!

Out of the ones I've already watched, CLAYMORE does stand out as having a scene with attempted rape, but it doesn't actually happen.

ZetaZe Jul 12, 2018

Thank you! Now I can watch these knowing I won't be confronted with that kind of abuse.. What a relief :)

nlnrose Jul 7, 2018

... Ghost in the shell(opening credits and at least 1 other time) and cowboy bebop(on the all men planet) have explicit frontal nudity in them... yes it isn't fanservice but it is in there.

Tha7ch Jun 19, 2018

Great list. I'm a huge fan of Quanzhi Gaoshou. I feel like it's a really underrated show. 

aryancoconut Jan 25, 2018

Thank you so much for making this list. It’s hard to find anime nowadays that I can watch on the TV screen with my parents in the room and not feel awkward.