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  • Pennsylvania
  • Joined Jan 4, 2017
  • 25 / M

Life on anime

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Sianeka Feb 6, 2017

Creating an Anime List, from the Help Center:


3. How do I create/use an Anime List?
Your Anime List shows the status of the anime you are watching and contributes to your Life On Anime bar on the site. To get started, click on the anime link at the top of the page, then click on Browse all anime button. This will bring up the site's database of anime titles listed alphabetically. Click in the Status box to change the status to reflect your current situation with the anime title (Watched, Watching, Want to Watch, Stalled, Dropped, Won't Watch). Do this for all of your anime, and the site will create your own personalized Anime List. The site will also update your Life On Anime bar indicating how much anime you have marked as Watched. It will also update the User Stats on the anime's Details page. Or go to the page of an anime you want to mark. The Status box to fill in can be found just below the Screenshots section.

It is also helpful to mark a star rating for those anime you have marked as Watched, to help remember how much you enjoyed it, and the ratings you give also feeds into a site-generated ratings chart and also filters into the site's member-specific recommendations feature to recommend to you specific anime YOU may enjoy.

To use your List: click on the ANIME link on your Profile page (as opposed to the general anime link at the top of the page). You can then sort your Anime List: to view only those anime you have currently in progress and keep track of what episode you are on for each series, or you can sort by your Want To Watch status when deciding on a new anime to watch. You can click on the Ratings section to see your list ranked in order of your ratings. Each column header can be clicked on to sort your list, or you can click on advanced filters link to specify a customized way to view/sort your list.

NOTE: Creating a Manga List works the same way!

Sianeka Feb 6, 2017

Hi!  Just wanted to point out something that may be helpful for you.  Comments to other members (such as your response here to me) are best posted on the OTHER member's profile page, instead of posting the reply on your own page, as you have done here.  To reply to someone, you should post your message on their profile page (which you can get to by clicking on their avatar picture or Nickname link.)

In general, other members won't be reading the comments on YOUR profile page - those are for you to read. They will read the comments on THEIR profile pages.  (The section on your page for others to read is the biography/profile section at the top of the page. This is the place to put general comments to everyone.)

So, often if you post your response to another member on your OWN page, they can't get back to you with another comment, because they won't necessarily know you responded to their comment…   For instance, below, I never saw your reply until now...

IceBoundLegend Jan 5, 2017

I don't know how to I would if I can I'm still trying to figure it out lol 

Sianeka Jan 4, 2017

You should make an Anime List to show us what you've watched!

Sianeka Jan 4, 2017

Hello and welcome to a-p!!  Hope you enjoy your time here.