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  • 'Murica
  • Joined Apr 14, 2009
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Strike the Blood

Mar 15, 2015

While some parts of the story are admittedly cliche, it isn't so bad that you can't get through them - and I must confess that some of the cheesy motifs ("iie senpai") were pretty cute and amusing.

Story: The story and STB universe is pretty interesting, and the anime changes up the antagonists and the obstacles that make up the main conflict to keep the viewer engaged. Personally, I watched the show for the romantic plot, and I was not terribly disappointed. STB is an example of a harem anime where the male protagonist isn't a stumbling fool and the main female protagonist actually stands out above the others, while the others still have their screen time as well. A second season would be nice, but overall the story was entertaining and touching, with the main downside being some more difficult and boring cliche scenes.

Animation: Well done fight scenes, very kawaii characters

Sound: I'm not very discerning when it comes to soundtracks, but I will say that STB had a good mix of sounds to enhance the fighting and the more emotional scenes as well.

Characters: A nice mix of personalities, and I really liked all the main characters.

Overall: One of my favorite anime, but I can see how it is not a one-anime-please-all type. If you like cheesy romance types with some nice fighting scenes and a world of magic, then this is for you.

9/10 story
9/10 animation
7/10 sound
10/10 characters
9/10 overall
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