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Oct 18, 2019

Let me start by noting that this is the final anime by Studio Manglobe before succumbing to bankruptcy, so the story is left incomplete in the middle of a battle with no end in sight. This is the main reason for complaints and bad reviews for this show.

However, I think is still worth watching. The animation quality alone may be enough for some as it uses realistic character styles and a bright and sharp color palette. The story in this first part is almost like a Gangster Slice-of-Life with their day to day errands and has plenty of fights and tense moments. Their world reminds me of Black Lagoon town full of low-lives and dangerous alleys. The music and sound effects are excellent quality, on par with the animation. It is just too bad that we don't get to see the full potential of this show due to being incomplete, the character development is also left midway due to this, hopefully, another studio will pick it up someday but I'm not holding my breath. I will still advocate that is better to see it and give it a try, despite knowing its shortcomings.

The dub is one of the best I have heard.

7/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
7/10 characters
8/10 overall
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