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  • Hidden Floor
  • Joined Nov 8, 2020
  • 24 / M

Best Game System / RPG Interface Manhwa and Manhua

This is about manhwa / manhua that has a system an interface like system. This is the order in which I personally rate them.

Best of Cultivation and Martial Arts Manhwa / Manhua

The List is for Cultivation / Martial Arts / Xianxia / Murim Fans. I Picked the Best of the Best. They are all in order best to last but nonetheless, all of them are good but this is just my personal rating of them.

Go back in Time / Rebirth / Second Chance in Action Genre

Stories about The Main Character Getting a Second Chance with his Knowledge he starts anew.

Magic and Action Manhwa/ Manhua

Stories that have Magic or Mages in Action Genre. Not Necessarily meaning that the Main character is a magic user just stories that have Magic and Action.