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Umineko: When They Cry

Mar 31, 2015

Dafuq is going on here in this show.

Comepletley and utterly incoherent.
I do not know what to be keen about. I don't know what intrests me here in this show.

At ep 13 so far and I'm still forcefuly watching it. I just don't find anything of intrest in this anime.

Still, I am completley lost.

I understand the story, from what little sense one can make based on all this ruckus,  but it's of no intrest to me.

I understand what a non-linear story is, I've watched Kara no Kyoukai, and it's basicaly the best anime ever made in my eyes, but this is just a "what the hell is the point of it all" anime. 

Ofc, I shall force myself on to watching it 'till the end, having high hopes of all of it somehow turning in to an amazing overall experience.. (like hell if it's going to happen..).

Will edit this upon the finalisation of the series.

The edit:

Finished it.

It's k, but like.. The only use of it for me in my life was that it was an example of training your mind to find something intresting in the field that is usualy of intrest to you(anime), but in the current given example is purely boring and incoherent(this anime).

Comment on the ending: That's an ending..? 

2/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
3/10 characters
2/10 overall
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