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  • France
  • Joined Aug 23, 2014
  • 25 / M


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BleachSta4Ever Feb 3, 2015

True, true. :) You are very mature, bro.

LetsGetCherryPie Feb 3, 2015

Water is disgusting >.< I'm perfectly normal!

Sleep is never a waste of time! 3-5 hours?! Are you crazy?! That's not enough! I usually get 8 hours sleep and I'm still tired! 

issi Feb 2, 2015

Why?! french is so beau! ^_^

WOHOO!! FFVIII!! Isn't Squall, like, the best character evaaar?  This used to be like, my dreaam when I was little… Then I grew up, actually invited someone to dance, and was very disappointed

Lol! yeah, explosions are cool! BUUT I still hate chemistry.. My teacher was a really, really bad teacher, honestly. She made me miserable. Now that I’m in the university though, I believe I can start anew and give chemistry another chance. Make lots of explosions!

If you like drawing, you should do it Nico! :D You don't need to be good. That's optional ^_^ 

Hehe think about it, why would I use my cheap homemade perfumes when I can use others made in a factory that are muuuch better? Plus, I’m veeeery allergic, so i’m not sure it’d be safe to spray it over my skin!

Mhmm I like the way you think xD.. Well, tell me mhm do you like animals? I'm very fond of animals!

Shivichan Feb 1, 2015

Whoa! You're everything I want to be. I always sucked at sports, maybe because I'm short and have asthma :'0 I've never really played anything in my life.And that sucks.I'm the kind of person who's picked last on a team :'0 

Obviously. School-y knowledge doesn't make or break a person.You may be an A grader and still be a loser. Nobody looks at your grades in the real world, do they? :3 I agree with Nico-kun! ^0^

I love music :3 Do you? :D

issi Feb 1, 2015

xD Nico ily, you're fun

Wow we don't have a similar music taste, like, at all! :O I've never heard that rap you mentioned. Though I do enjoy Bob Marley, every now and then. And songs sung in french are sound soooo great!! ♥

Oh Goshhh, I love RPGs too! :D (Hell yeah Skyrim!!) It's probably my favorite genre! Especially those with a very dense and elaborated storyline. Strategy games are v cool too. Which Final Fantasy do you like? I consider myself a fan of that series, but truthfully, I've only played FFVIII :x heh

Hahahah xD Oookay, let me sum it up for you!!

Music: I like everything of quality :D I enjoy all genres, really! Though I seem to enjoy jazz and rock-pop a lot moreScience: I hate chemistry xD It's probably my teacher's fault. But apart from that, I like everything else!! Like, give me all the quantum physics and anatomy books yesyes ❁‿❁ ♥Art: You're absolutely right! Art is all around us! It's any form of creative expression.. And I guess I like all sorts of arts. I am especially fond of drawing though... I think an image can carry a lot.

And lol, the perfume making is a very odd hobby of mine. I buy all sort of different essences and mix them up and add some stuff and tadá, I make perfume! I don't use it though, I just make it and keep it :) 

SOO, YOU!! TELL ME MORE ABOUT YOU!! You're far more interesting ✌ ^.^ Anything you want!