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  • Joined May 5, 2017
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Ever seen a character and wondered just how they could be THAT dumb? Airheads are individuals who are especially idiotic, dim-witted, or just plain clueless. They often have a lack of common sense, live in their own little worlds or have a childlike dependence on others.

Assassins specialize in killing targeted individuals. These characters are assassins in training or on the job, whether they're a part of an organized group or work as freelancers.

These Disabled characters don't have eyes, or have eyes that don't function.

Like their Kuudere counterparts, these characters are calm and quiet on the outside, but on the inside they are often antisocial, and fear being embarrassed or judged negatively in social situations. Once their guard is down, they can let their love or other emotions show.

These characters fight with a weapon in each hand.

These characters are members of an Elven race. They often have pointy ears, are slender, and are good with a bow and arrow.

These characters have irregular eyes, whether they have strange iris shapes and designs, colored sclera, unusual or missing pupils, or anything else different than the norm.

A Kitsune is a Youkai with Fox features or characteristics, such as the legendary nine-tailed fox. They have the ability to Shapeshift and possess others.

These characters wield a short blade as their primary weapon. For other blade users, see Sword Fighters, Claw Weapons and Arm Blades

Maids are women - or rarely men - who are employed to help cook, clean, run errands, or anything else that their master requires. These characters are traditional maids, or are employees of a theme cafe where cosplay is required to please customers.

These characters are suddenly whisked away to a strange world - be it an alien landscape, a parallel dimension, an unfamiliar time in history, a virtual reality they can't escape from, or a number of other settings. 

These characters are quiet, reserved, and don't handle social interactions well. They can be easily flustered and will often run and hide from overwhelming encounters.

A Yamato Nadeshiko is the stereotypical perfect Japanese woman. She is soft-spoken, mild-mannered, an excellent housekeeper, and a wonderful cook.