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  • Wisconsin
  • Joined Jun 14, 2019
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Hi Score Girl: Extra Stage is a three-part OVA series which creates an appropriate bridge between first and second seasons.  It resolves three important issues making for a smooth transition between the two collections of gamer boy and the gamer girls who love him, and either would kill (in game play mode) for him.

First, the challenge Hidaka gives Haruo.  In the fighting game of her choice, if she wins, Haruo dates Hidaka.  If Haruo wins, Hidaka will withdraw quietly ... from what Haruo is never sure.

Then, easing the restrictions which prevent Akira from seeing Haruo and enjoying herself in the arcades she has learned to love ... delinquents and all.

Finally, Akira and Hidaka will become acquainted with each other ... and learn what rivals are.

The OVA uses the same animation techniques and music of season one, which is why Netflix incorporated these three episodes into the first season, splitting the two seasons into 15- and 9-episode doses of arcade action, heated exchanges of player angst, and neat commentary on the development of the arcade experience.

Having taken in a few episodes of the second season, I can see how this OVA ironed out the wrinkles of the coming conflicts of Akira vs. Hidaka to gain the love of Haruo, which Akira's sister Makoto claims would not make a decent consolation prize.  Hey!  Booby prizes have feelings too, you know.  And with the increasing appearances of the much maligned Guile-san, Haruo's iconic 'life coach,' matters will only get stickier as we get to that fateful final show in the series.

10/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
9/10 characters
9.3/10 overall
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