Crua9's avatar


  • USA NC
  • Joined Mar 2, 2019
  • 36 / M

In my opinion, this anime is kinda overdone. In a nut shell it's yet another show where a person/group is zap to another world. Everything is based on games (kinda like No game No life). They were summon to help some town/group/kingdom and solve their destruction.

Where this falls flat is the characters. The people who gotten summon mostly are staying around more than less simply because they are bored. To top it off, they are all OP and there is 0 risk to them.

After about 3 ep out of 10 I dropped the show. It honestly is just OK as a time killer. I would suggest just checking out No Game No Life instead if you haven't already.

2/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
1/10 characters
2/10 overall
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