ChimeraKitsune's avatar


  • Joined Apr 24, 2015
  • 36


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RakkiKuroNeko May 25, 2015

Hope the weather gets better there! And arigato shu-kun :) The weather here is around 15 (c) T-T So it's not too cold for England but It could be better, From research it seems that the highest temp in England has only been 38.5 °C -_-

Have fun making and following that cirriculum :) 

Arigato! You too :) I was thinking of sketching something manga related for you, Anything in particular that you would like? 

RakkiKuroNeko May 25, 2015

Konnichiwa Shu-kun~

I hope you feel better soon ><

Yeah :) I guess I kind of use the "rule of the thumb" already and I tend to say to myself (after exam results) that if I got 50% or over then at least half of it is correct which is pretty good ^^ Thankyou~ I hope so too! (^▽^)/ ʸᵉᔆᵎ 

I've been doing quite well, thanks for asking :) Apart from this horrible cough which has been toturing me for over a week now >-< And as per usual, I have barely any plans for the holidays and will probably spend most of my time in my room surronded by junk food and my laptop (anime, manga, movies and music mostly) But that sounds fun to me anyways :)

How about you~ Any plans for this week? 

Sianeka May 25, 2015

Hello and welcome to a-p!! Hope you have fun here. ^_^

RakkiKuroNeko May 23, 2015

Konnichiwa~~ And your welcome ^.^

Haha yeah, Guess your right :) Although I do spend a lot more time than I should going online despite school aha :P Yep~ It's good you can watch anime again! 

Arigato! My dance parties are nothing like that in real life (well, I can't dance well and I don't really have many parties so... -_-) 

Yep, we have a holiday usually one-two weeks long after every term and a long 6 week holiday at the end of the school year :)

Thanks~ I definitely failed some but I think I did well on a few too (hopefully haha) But I still have History and Physics when I get back (I missed those exams because of the flu) and Chemisrty too (Stupid teachers used the 2014 past paper for the exam and most students printed of the recent past papers for revision, which includes the 2014 one. When they found this out they told us we had to re-do it the first Monday back. Although I'm happy becuase I failed Chemistry big time so now I have another chance to do better :D) 

How have you been? :D 

RakkiKuroNeko May 22, 2015

Oh that sucks :( At least your PC kinda works :)

Yay~~ The link worked! Thank you so much~ That neko is so kawaii! ☆。゚+.(人-ω◕ฺ)゚+.゚And the whole uber-lock-down-master-ninja-assassin-stealth-mode sounds very cool haha :3 

Yay, I'm glad it makes sense :) I totally agree with what you're saying, Especially the part about thinking outside the box :) 

I feel bad because you always write huge paragraphs and In just kinda write short paragraphs if not just sentances... Gomen about that!

Haha thanks :D although your dance was pretty fab too ★~(◠‿◕✿) 

How have you been today? :P It's finally half term ♪└|∵|┐♪♪└|∵|┘♪♪┌|∵|┘♪