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  • Finland
  • Joined Jul 12, 2015
  • 36


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Celeriac Dec 14, 2017

Copying my forum post here for fun:

It's easy to score anime when you don't give yourself or your individual judgment more credit than deserved (which is very little). You love it, score high; doesn't raise your passions or you're mixed, score medium; you think it's lame, score low. Regardless of how acclaimed or important the anime is supposed to be in some grand scheme of things.

Personally, I think a 10-scale is already too precise, and it encourages people to instinctively use only the upper half of the scale for any serious ratings, and the lower half for different shades of complete shit: many reviews will get hate for rating a (in their humble opinion) middling anime 5 or 6 out of 10, like it's some kind of ultimate insult that can't possibly be a seriously considered score.

Scoring individual aspects is pointless, in my opinion. Either you think it's good or not and you verbally explain yourself for why that is. At least I'll never consider watching any anime purely because someone thought it specifically had good animation, sound, story or characters separate from everything else. If they matter so much, it'll show in the actual verdict in any case.

For a review or score to have any meaning in the first place, you'd have to know what the reviewer likes and doesn't like. Even better if the preferences match your own. That's why extremely technical scoring and attempts to seem overly objective is ridiculous, in my opinion.

HKBattosai Jul 15, 2017

Hi Celeriac. Thanks for the follow.! You've seen some anime that I certainly like and grew up with, such as Dragon Ball Z and many Studio Ghibli movies. Great stuff! Feel free to comment back any time if you want to. ^_^


KonaIzumi Jul 13, 2015

(●ゝω)ノ Hi !! and welcome to A-P ~

Hope you get to find lot of new anime/manga, make lot of new friends and enjoy your stay here !!

Feel free to write me back!

Kona-chan (^_-)-☆

SilentKiller Jul 12, 2015


I would like to personally welcome you to A-P!  If you need any help or want someone to chat with please don't hesitate to ask.  I hope you have fun and enjoy :)