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  • The Outback
  • Joined Nov 25, 2012
  • 42 / F


Jul 24, 2013

What I Liked: The art and the character designs. The plot and premise were interesting, especially in relation to the game world and Tsubasa's identity. Great character development, Sora was a stand-out character. The juxtaposition of the colourful The World scenes VS. the bleak reality scenes.

What I Didn't: Some of the red herrings felt unnecessary. Execution of Episode 19 could've been better.

Final Verdict: A good mesh of swords-and-sorcery with psychological themes. Warrants more than one watch in order to catch anything you might have missed the first time around.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
7/10 overall
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