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  • Germany
  • Joined Nov 8, 2021
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Angel's Egg

Nov 8, 2021

Never has a movie hit with so much despair.

So the man with the cross who lost all faith is the antagonist. It is messed up to try to get your head around.

He destroyed the egg she kept with her to show her that faith is empty. Faith was inside her after all and with the purity of water the girl made angels. LIke the remains of one found in disbelieve before. One that reminded the man he destroyed his faith himself. I ask myself if he waited for the dark to destroy the egg which would mean he'd be the biggest asshole. Or if the fainting flame represents his lack of will. Either way why the fuck did he leave ? Is the movie about the punishment one deserves who lets another person down ? A faithless bully ?

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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