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Free! Eternal Summer

Mar 8, 2015

After watching the first season, I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was.  It was only natural that I had to watch the second season.  It took me a while to finish not because it was bad.  I have been busy with school and went back to finish it today.


The boys from the Iwatobi Swim Club are back and for third years Makoto and Haruka, it's their final year with the team.  To me, this season felt way more dramatic naturally as I felt that Season 1 felt a bit forced.  Also, that drama was broken up very well by light and comedic moments.  The pacing was also very good.


It was done just as well as season 1.  Although it didn't improve it was fine staying the way it is.  Consistency is always great.  The animation was crisp and clean.  The color palette was bright yet controlled well.  It is kind of creepy how detailed they were with the figure of the characters.  However, it was a reverse harem show and accurate of how a swimmer's body should be.


I would say the music is a whole lot better than in season 1.  Season 1 had a weird dubstep thing and it didn't really seem like it fit for me.  They scrapped that and it was a good idea.  Opening was great and fun to listen to.  As I said with the story, they tried too hard a bit to make it serious.  Here the music felt more fitting which is great.


In a second season, what I'd love to see from the characters is growth.  That's what you get here.  Every character had an episode featuring how much they've grown and changed for the better.  There was also the introduction of two new secondary characters.  While they felt kind of unnecessary, they still added good depth.


I love this series more than I though I would have.  I first mocked it as being just female fan service but it was a great anime overall.  It kind of made me wanna start swimming a bit.  It's a great show that I'd totally recommend.

9/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
9/10 characters
10/10 overall
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