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School Days

Jan 16, 2015

So I actually tried watching this one time before but stopped because I just hated the main character.  Much time later, my cousin asks me if I watched it.  I told him that I only watched the first 10 minutes and that's it because the protagonist annoyed the hell out of me.  I humored him and watched it and was this... a ride.


Itou Makoto always saw this girl every morning, Katsura Kotohana, on the train but never worked up the courage to approach her.  One day he finally did with the help of a girl who actually liked her named Saionji Sekai.  After that it was some love triangle stuff... then a square, then a pentagon, and after that I lost track...  I was expecting something goofy and stuff but it went pretty adult around half way through the season.  After that, boy did it get dark.  It was all because Itou was just a horrible person.  I mean flat out horrible.  Never have I hated a protagonist with a burning passion more than him.  Despite all that, I couldn't help but finish and see what happens.


It was really nothing special.  I didn't really like the art style.  Sure you can have big eyes but their eyes took up 50% of their face.  All the design was pretty much the same.  I had a hard time diferentiating characters because they were practically the same except different hair color.  I did like the colors and that was the only nice thing I guess.


Absolutely confusing soundtrack.  The opening is so happy and cheery yet the subject matter was depressing and saddening.  I don't know how to feel with it because it's so conflicting.  The voices were pretty ehhh almost throughout.  At the end it did get better.


This is were it really went down for me.  As I previously stated, Itou Makoto is by far my most hated character of all of anime.  I really just wanted to punch him in his damn face for being such a jerk to multiple girls for his own selfish means.  For the rest, I just felt nothing but pity that they even liked such a horrible disgusting person.  The only positive thing I could say is that they were all unique characters, I guess.  


Hmm...  Now the question after watching was, "Did I like it?"  Well I guess..?  I ended up watching the whole thing, right..?  I can describe it like a car crash.  It's an absolute horrible thing to witness but you can't look away.  I watched only to see if Douche Master Makoto gets what's coming to him.  After watching it, it made me feel really disgusted and pretty sad...  Would I recommend it?  Uhm...  If you can stomach some pretty horrible things then go for it.

8/10 story
5/10 animation
7/10 sound
5/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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