Becca's avatar


  • Anime world
  • Joined Jun 28, 2017
  • 20 / F

Hello and welcome to my page!!

Im always open if you want to chat so feel free too do so :D


 Image result for hi anime gif

-Anime: Kimi ni Todoke





 Image result for anime me and life gifs

-Animes: Sora no method & Another 


Life on anime

  • 59 Minutes
  • 15 Hours
  • 1 Day
  • 4 Weeks
  • 3 Months
  • 0 Years

Anime ratings

  • 5
  • 4.5
  • 4
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  • 1.5
  • 1
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226 total

Life on manga

  • 35 Minutes
  • 12 Hours
  • 3 Days
  • 1 Week
  • 0 Months
  • 0 Years

Manga ratings

  • 5
  • 4.5
  • 4
  • 3.5
  • 3
  • 2.5
  • 2
  • 1.5
  • 1
  • 0.5

159 total

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Halex Aug 22, 2018

Hi, a little late but thanks for following!

Jrocketz9 Aug 27, 2017

I'm doing good! I just finished the last of my summer classes and I'm trying to make the best of these last few days before my semester begins haha.

I recently caught up with One Piece! All 803 episodes, as of this comment haha.

I also recently finished to finish Attack On Titan Season 2, and I plan continue My Hero Academia Season 2 and Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid.

Jrocketz9 Aug 24, 2017

Heyy becca! How's it going? Hope things are going well for you!

Sianeka Aug 2, 2017

becca says...  Well happy delayed birthday!!


Image result for anime birthday gif


Thats good you got to see your family after such a long time, i also have family that lives far away and i havent seen them for a long time now. I have been enjoying my time on AP its realy fun!! i have made a bunch of new friends who have helped me with a bunch of things, witch i am realy greatful for.


I hope you get to spend some time with your family again sometime not too long from now.  I had such a great time with mine while they were here visiting - the visit seemed to just fly by, and they were gone before I knew it!  I'm so happy I got to spend time with them again!


Like you, I love my time here on a-p.  I love this site! I find my Anime List here invaluable to help me keep note of my progress for anime I am currently watching (keeping track of which episode I am on, since I'm often in the middle of LOTS of different titles) and for noting new titles that interest me that I don't want to forget about and want to remember to check out in the future.  Then I created my current ratings system, and now even my "watched" anime on my list has great meaning for me, since my ratings now are significant to me and often help clarify my memories of a show and help me to remember just how I felt when I was watching it.


And besides my anime list being here, I will OFTEN utilize the site's recommendation database - after all, that is how I found the site in the first place.  This site always gives me good ideas of anime titles for me to watch.


Not to mention the social aspect.  There is a lively, friendly and fun community here, and I love the opportunity to talk with my fellow anime fans about a topic that is near and dear to my heart: anime!


So always feel free to drop me a comment any time, with questions or just to chat…


becca says...  What is your favorite anime/s? What is your favorite manga/s?


hahahaha - except for this question.  


LOL I really hate the "what's your favorite anime?" question, because I can never give folks the answer they want by listing out one or a few great titles or giving them an Awesome Anime List.  The truth is, I don't really have a favorite, because I watch so many different things and like so many different parts from the things I see. I can't really narrow it down! *grin*  So generally, I just tell folks they can see what I've enjoyed in comparison with other things I've watched by taking a look at my Anime list sorted by my star Ratings given.  Sianeka's Sorted Anime List.


I don't really have a favorite anime, I love different ones depending on my mood.  My highest rated anime shows so far are (alphabetical list):


The Boy and The Beast




Eve no Jikan Movie (the movie includes the entire series plus additional footage)


Fullmetal Alchemist / Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood


Hotarubi no Mori e


My Love Story!!


Nodame Cantabile


Ouran High School Host Club






Wolf Children


Yuri on Ice!!!


So sorry to disappoint.  Truth be told, I've considered upping my ratings for FMAB and Hotarubi, so perhaps those are my favorites?


My favorite manga, though, that one I -can- name:  Death Note.  I loved this manga to pieces, except for the ending.  [SPOILER] - DON'T READ ANY FURTHER IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW THE ENDING (site says you've watched the anime, so I feel I can write specifics here)


While I realize that Light had to die for the story to end, my objection is for the way they depicted Light's end.  There is just NO WAY that it should've happened that way.  The story just did NOT remain true to character.  Light would NEVER have gone out whining and crying and begging for Ryuk to save him.  


That ending was just stupid and sloppy and false.  I nearly threw the book across the room when I read it, I was soooooo angry.




Now that I got that out of my system, I have to say that I really enjoyed the manga soooo much more than the anime.  While the anime was well done, the manga was subtly different in tone, and I preferred it over the anime's tone.  In the manga, Light was a utopian idealist, wanting to change the world for the better.  His desire to control things stemmed from his vision of the world as a better place.  In the anime, Light is a control freak megalomaniac, wanting to control the world to become a god and be the most powerful being in the umiverse.  


So, while the events remain basically the same in both, each approaches those events differently.  And I enjoyed the manga approach much more.  Light is far, far less the egotistical evil bad guy in the manga, but instead a good guy who went down the wrong path and became corrupted.  I like Light Yagami in the manga.  I'm not sure at all I like him as much in the anime.

Sianeka Jul 26, 2017

becca  says... Thank you for following me back! And i will keep in touch (^.^)


I've been busy as I had family visiting me as part of my birthday celebration from out of state (haven't seen them in person for five years!) and they just left last week, and I've been playing catchup on all my usual activities that sort of got suspended while I played host to them while they were in town.


So sorry for my delay in getting back to you.  Life just has this way of interrupting everything I’ve planned to do! *wry grin*  Hope you have been finding the site useful, and that you enjoy your time here when you visit. Lots of good folks to meet, and anime to watch! Maybe you'll even decide to get involved with the community here; it's lively and fun! If you have any questions or just want to chat, please leave me a comment and I'll respond back (next time, much more quickly!)


Noticed you listed Suki Mo Yoi as Want to Read - I was unfamiliar with this so looked it up and decided to read it myself.  I don't usually enjoy collected stories too much, as there is never enough development as I like in this format - either of story or characters, but a couple of the stories here were nice in spite of that.  Site said only 1 more rating before the publc (average ranking) was displayed, so I was inspired to read and add my ranking!