ArsonicToad's avatar


  • Joined Jan 27, 2021
  • 20 / Other

Honestly, this show is ok, I loved the fact that the MC is a female and overpowered, something you don't ever see, and that is what got me started to it. But I ended up dropping it at episode 6 because my petty self absolutly hates the crap out of Halkara. This character alone made it so aggrivating to watch and the show ends up being revolved around her instead of the MC and literally anyone else that provides better to the show then her. Aside from that, the show is not bad at all. The plot is ok, more on the heartwarming and sad attempt at comedy side, but still has plot. The animation is good, the movements are swift and smooth but sometimes when the quality goes down (like the very basic outline for comedic purposes) you can't even tell the difference between the MC and Halkara as they have the same hair, which is why under characters is it also pretty low. The opening is normal, nothing fancy, and no one would care if you skipped it. Overall, I liked it and would have kept going because its bright colors were entertaining, but due to the overall job of the show especially on how they played favourites on the big chesty elf that gives nothing to no one or the show and no actually good use of them in general aside from (Spoilers in the next sentence) bringing the MC and Beelzebub together, there is no real point. There isn't even any fanservice so she really isn't useful (I don't like fanservice but given on how much I dislike her for being useless, not even in a good way like Aqua or Sakura, the lack of any redeeming quality just sucks)

Overal: Meh :/

5/10 story
6/10 animation
8/10 sound
6/10 characters
6.3/10 overall

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