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  • Cincinnati, Ohio USA
  • Joined Aug 31, 2014
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Cat Transformation Manga and Webtoons

Stories featuring people who have been transformed into cats, cats who have been transformed into humans, humans who have swapped bodies with cats, and cat shifters (also known as werecats) who can change back and forth between...

Cat Youkai

These characters are feline youkai. They may be traditional youkai cats such as nekomata or bakeneko, or they might be youkai who frequently take the form of a cat.

Cat Youkai Anime

These anime feature youkai cats, such as bakeneko and nekomata, as well as other youkai that take a feline form.

Cat Youkai Manga

These manga feature youkai cats, such as bakeneko and nekomata, as well as other youkai that take a feline form.

Celebrating Pride Month! Recommendations from the Anime-Planet Community

Recommendations made during Pride Month by Anime-Planet users like you! Enjoy a diverse collection of stories featuring gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, and asexual protagonists and side characters to celebrate...

Characters That Deserve To Be Put On A Rocket and Fired Into The Sun

Shitty characters who do shitty things, with a sprinkling of people who are just seriously freaking annoying.

Characters Who Carry A Monk's Staff

These characters possess a Khakkhara, a traditional staff topped with metal rings carried by Buddhist monks.

Characters With Cats

There's something about having a cat in a character's life that just makes them more loveable by default. Whether they are ordinary pets, magical familiars, partners in crime, or supernatural creatures in cat form, these people...

Characters with Dimples

Cheek dimples when present show up when a person makes a facial expression such as smiling. Not to be confused with nasolabial folds.

Characters with Skull Accessories

Characters wearing skull accessories in any form as hairpins, clips, earrings, brooches etc.