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  • Joined Jun 11, 2016
  • 31 / M

All Anime on Amazon Indiaby Mayank

A list of all anime available on Amazon Prime Video, catalogued for regional availablity in India.

All YLAB worksby FoodLife

YLAB is a group of creators that aims to produce top-tier manhwa, with several of their works available on Line Webtoon.

Amusing Namesby Starra

Nicknames and codenames count too. Some of these are only funny to English speakers but aren't to Japanese speakers. A few are puns on Japanese words.

Animal Subtext In Animeby knoxyal

Shows in which the same animal appears repeatedly as a mob character. These animals are too insignificant to be considered a proper character of the show, but they appear repeatedly nonetheless, usually out of nowhere, in the...

Anime Badgesby YariMari

How to obtain some of the anime badges. Feel free to use this list as a guide to get some of the badges, and I'm sorry if I happened to get any of them wrong. PS. I read the badges haven't been updated since...