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PurplePeopleEater Mar 8, 2016

In response to your comment on my D-Fragments review.

No I don't ask those questions about Seinfield or whatever it's called or big bang theory because I don't watch them. I would like to point out that those are sitcoms not comedy's not exactly the same thing. When I am watching comedy anime though, I do ask those questions because they still apply. You are welcome to your own opinion though of course. However, even in most comedic animes, the story is still existing and going some where. It's generally not the main goal to have a strong story or development, but it still exists. Consider these comedies..

Baka To Test- while I felt that whole show was baka, it had a problem, a story, and a goal. The problem was the main characters were at the bottom and were left with a rundown classroom because they weren't very smart or did poorly on the test for other reasons. The story is about them trying to move up in one way or another and the goal is to prove themselves I suppose is the best way I can put it.

Mayo Chiki- The main problem is the boy has an "illness" where his nose bleeds everytime he is touched by a female and a girl tries to cure him of it. The characters develop as a sort of relationship builds between the butler and the guy. The goal is to cure him.

Ouran High School Host Club- It's a bit more episodic than the previous two, but it has a story. It's about a girl who ends up pretending to be a guy to pay back a host club for breaking an expensive vase. The story isn't exactly constant, but in this case, the characters develop quite a bit  and it does stick with two themes of poor vs. rich and being a girl pretending to be a guy.

Toradora- The problem is two people have a crush but neither is able to tell the other person and so they join together to help each other but during that, they end up developing a relationship with each other instead of the ones they had a crush on. It's pretty straight forward.

My Bride is a Mermaid- other than giving me a head ache during the first half, it's story was about a guy who ends up being forced to marry a mermaid with an overprotective family while still in middle school. Throughout, the two begin to develop an actual relationship.

My point is, these other comedies, whether I liked them or not, answer the majority of the questions. They have a story, a mostly constant conflict, a purpose, a direction, and develops. It even has a sort of resolution more or less. You may be right and you are certainly allowed to think I'm wrong, but this is my opinion and how I see it. I don't judge comedies the same way I do action, horror, sci-fy etc, but I still judge it on it's elements of a basic story. Out of 63 comedies I have watched, most of them do answer the questions I asked in my D-Fragments review. I feel like D-Fragments didn't really have any of that though. It more or less existed, stationary, without purpose. That is just my view since you asked. It's two am so I apoligice if I wrote something totally confusing btw.

Poio Nov 4, 2015

Thank you. Appreciate the comment :)

Larkawolfgirl Oct 20, 2014

You're welcome~ I can't really remember the details of season 3 (I watched it years ago), but I do remember that my favorite part was the end of season 2. Then the beginning of F.

Larkawolfgirl Oct 19, 2014

Hi there and welcome to Anime-Planet! If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. You need to get to Zero no Tsukaima F. It is so cute~ The ending especially. It has Louise trying on clothes to make Saito happy. Also, if you want a laugh the picture drama is pretty funny. It is kind of stupid, but the last skit I believe it was had me laughing a lot.