AironNeil's avatar


  • Joined Jul 16, 2011
  • 30 / M

Hello, I am Airon Neil; I am 19 and I suppose that I like anime (REALLY?!). I joined this site to give my unwanted opinion about anime, my unpopular opinion that DUB's are better than SUB's, and I won't really give an opinion about manga since I don't read it.

How I review anime is souly based on my experience of the anime itself, you may notice that I don't rate many animes low, well that's because I watch what I injoy, and I don't review an anime after only seeing half of the show. So if a show bores me enough to not watch the whole thing then that means that I DON'T recomend it (Ok, so I didn't watch all of Bleach, but it should have ended at that point).

Now things I like about animes is that they seem to have a great sense of humor most of the time, and the battles that may happen within an anime. Course, just like any other type of show, it needs something to suck you in and keep you watching, such as a great story, or very pleasing humor, great action sequences, or just soft-core porn (if that's your sort of thing).

Alright if you actually took the time to click my user name and read this Bio, then I must admit that you much be one extreamly bored person and I feel sorry for you, SON!

Life on anime

  • 39 Minutes
  • 6 Hours
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Anime ratings

  • 5
  • 4.5
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  • 3.5
  • 3
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  • 2
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  • 1
  • 0.5

80 total

Life on manga

  • 30 Minutes
  • 23 Hours
  • 0 Days
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  • 0 Months
  • 0 Years

Manga ratings

  • 5
  • 4.5
  • 4
  • 3.5
  • 3
  • 2.5
  • 2
  • 1.5
  • 1
  • 0.5

2 total

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comedienne Jul 7, 2013

I agree. I loved the Fullmetal Alchemist series but I absolutely adored Brotherhood simply because it has more time in which to really develop the characters. Same goes for Soul Eater, the manga simply has more character development. I still love the series though, it's just too damn cool. Some 'Manga Purists' get really annoyed with anime that deviate and I wanted to express that if they're looking for a direct adaptation then they won't find it with Soul Eater.  Thanks for the feedback.

MaximumGeass Dec 1, 2011

Oh about why it ends in german is because the actually name "elfen Lied" in german is "Elf Song" which they got the title from the poem "elfenlied".  Sorry about not going into to much detail as that is mostly not my motive.  I thought Kouta "main character" seemed very bland to me as lucy compared to him he looks even worse.  Not to say the voice acting was bad just the character wasn't very defined.  As my "reviews" I would more call them a bit of informative information on the anime and what I think is a important hiddent meaning.

yukicrossss Nov 20, 2011

Man I looked over your Bio (EPIC). Your opinion about Dub's and SUB's is not realy unpopular. I like DUB's way better than SUB's and I don't read manga. I like Romance, action, slow/hard core porn (girls bravo). Sorry about going on about what I like but you needed to know that 1,000's of people like DUB's way better than SUB's.

Hydrolicious Oct 23, 2011

Similar opinions on Bleach are few and far-between, as most people love it to death with no particular reason behind their adoration. It's good to see someone who has an individualized and specific opinion about it.

The fillers are skippable, by the way... I didn't think it was necessary to include them in my review since they're not canon.

mrCorvus Sep 8, 2011

You are right that my review is brief. The reason is that I don't want to make any spoilers. By the way I think the rating of 6.8 is pretty decent. Thanks for your comment