Aiphire's avatar


  • Teyvat
  • Joined Apr 20, 2020
  • ? / Other

Ever seen a character and wondered just how they could be THAT dumb? Airheads are individuals who are especially idiotic, dim-witted, or just plain clueless. They often have a lack of common sense, live in their own little worlds or have a childlike dependence on others.

These characters have Animal Ears as a natural extension of their body.

Animal Lovers demonstrate a strong love or passion for animals, whether their affections are returned or not.

These characters are Birds, Dogs, Cats, Insects, Reptiles, Fish, or other categories.

Artists are creative individuals who draw, paint, sculpt, or have other expressive hobbies.

Assassins specialize in killing targeted individuals. These characters are assassins in training or on the job, whether they're a part of an organized group or work as freelancers.

Athletes partake in Sports activities. This covers the likes of Baseball Players, Soccer Players, Basketball Players, Tennis Players, Track and Fielders, and more!

These characters sport bandages on their body, whether it's a single bandage covering up part of their face, to a bandage wrap across their body.

These characters are Athletes that play the Sport of Baseball.

These characters are Athletes that play the Sport of Basketball.

These characters are quiet, reserved, and don't handle social interactions well. They can be easily flustered and will often run and hide from overwhelming encounters.

These characters are twins: a set of fraternal or identical siblings. Am I seeing double?