Yumeoi - Reviews

Alt title: Killer Dream

nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Sep 1, 2021

It's 17 pages long, which isn't nearly enough time to build up the adequate amount of tension and horror needed for this story to be truly traumatizing. As such, it just comes across like a bare bones summary of the setting and the way this particular boogieman works. This boogieman affects people in their dreams, but I won't go into more detail than that. Fe is a giant humanoid in a suit with blackened eyes, a marionette doll style lower jaw, and a mocking toothy smile.

The artwork feels a bit stiff. The gorey pictures look appropriately creepy, but I can't help but feel that better artwork would've been able to evoke even more visceral reactions from me. Though, again, I think the biggest reason why I have a weak response to the happenings is because of how short everything is.

2/10 story
4/10 art
1/10 characters
2/10 overall
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