Xin Ting Is a Great Sword - Reviews

Alt title: Xin Ting Shi Hao Dao

Xin Ting Is a Great Sword
MangaXexperts's avatar
Nov 28, 2021

this is actually pretty good even for a manhua. Mc is part of an organisation which is responsible for protecting earth from alien invasions. But there have been no alien invasions for thousand of years thats why the organisation began to deteriorate but mc has not given up and he will protect his land at all costs.

7/10 story
7/10 art
6/10 characters
7/10 overall
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XZeLoX's avatar
Apr 27, 2021

It seems really interesting and I really like it for now. I like the characters and everything, the only thing I don't like is that we haven't seen much of a story yest since it doesn't have many chapters. 

8/10 story
9/10 art
8/10 characters
8.3/10 overall
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