Will a Guy Who Likes Cats Fall in Love with a Guy with Cat Eyes? - Reviews

Alt title: Nekosukidanshi wa Nekomeotoko to Koi ni Ochirunoka?

Will a Guy Who Likes Cats Fall in Love with a Guy with Cat Eyes?
QuatreKnox's avatar
Mar 3, 2022

Multiple short stories, they are all a romance comedy with smut. It was funny and enjoyable to read.

The first story is about to college students. It's a supernatural story about a human that's also cat demon, but only his family and his father pair can see his cat side.

The second story is about a radio show host and his dj.

The third story is about an office workers that work in the PR department and the bass guitarist that's in the indi band he's promoting (Light).

The fourth story is about the radio host and dj going to the the band that's in the third story.

9/10 story
9/10 art
8/10 characters
9/10 overall
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