Underdog - Reviews

bunda6662's avatar
Jan 15, 2023

As I delved deeper into the pages of this manga, I found myself grappling with a complex web of emotions. On one hand, it was not entirely terrible. It possessed a certain level of mediocrity that was, in a way, comforting. But on the other hand, it was clear that the author had begun to rush the narrative in its later stages, (the manga was probbably cancelled) making the end seem just like the conclusion of the first arc when in fact this is never coming back, ever!

The story, while possessing a glimmer of originality, is ultimately marred by the rigid rules of the game that it establishes. These constraints strip away much of the potential enjoyment that the narrative could have offered. It is as if the story was pieced together without a clear direction or purpose.

As for the artwork, don't let it fool you, it can look alluring but ultimately reveals itself to be lacking in substance. Its rough lines and bland character designs fail to leave a lasting impression. The characters themselves are nothing more than archetypes, failing to offer any sense of individuality or depth.

In conclusion, this manga is not one that I would recommend wholeheartedly. It is a work that fails to live up to its potential, leaving the reader with a sense of unfulfillment. But it also does not possess the ability to cause any real harm. It is a work that exists in a state of mediocrity, neither rising to greatness nor sinking to utter failure.

4.5/10 story
5/10 art
3/10 characters
4/10 overall
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Curiousmadra's avatar
Nov 13, 2020

Basically I read this last month and of course college work was in the way so I couldn't review it since. Anyways this horror manga is not bad but I will say the story isn't finished and I felt serial killer dude needed more screen time. That's just my opinion...

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
6/10 overall
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